Accounting & Bookkeeping

Stein Balof can simplify your financial life, replacing your business back office with:

1. Accounting support

2. Payroll support

3. Bookeeping support.

When it comes to complex issues, rely on Stein Balof.

acc and book


Stein Balof is dedicated to its clients, representing them in audits with:

1. IRS

2. FTB

3. EDD

Stein Balof keeps current on tax law being always ready for the toughest situations.

Financial Planning

Stein Balof develops strategies for:

1. Individual clients

2. Small business

3. Medium and Large businesses

We strive to always meet our clients continuing needs, even after tax season. Let Stein Balof tackle your most pressing financial issues. "Your business is our business."

financial strategies

Stein & Balof Fees

The fees we charge for our professional services are very reasonable and competitive, but what you pay for your tax service with Stein Balof will come back into your wallet with just with the inclusion of a few of your missing deductions. Retaining Stein Balof will actually put more money in your pocket.

To learn more about the effective fees for January 17, 2018 click on the buttom.